UMF Quality Trademark

Certifying Where our Manuka Honey Comes From

Below is a table of UMF vs MGO numbers to help you better compare and calculate the comparable levels stated on New Zealand Manuka Honey jars.

UMF is one of the most widely used grading systems of Manuka Honey internationally. MGO (or MG) is the measurement of methylglyoxal in the Manuka Honey.

Are UMF and MGO the same?

No. UMF™ is a complete and advanced grading system. It includes the measurement of MG (MGO) (methylglyoxal) levels, but also includes additional testing of authenticity markers of the Manuka Honey.

UMF grading ensures it is the highest quality Manuka Honey and guarantees the chemical marker levels stated on the label. MG is one of the potency markers in the Manuka Honey.

Anything above UMF 5+ is a monofloral Manuka honey. Anything below UMF 5+ is a multifloral Manuka honey.
Monofloral honey is honey that comes from the nectar of one main flower. In the case of Manuka honey, this is the Manuka flower. Multifloral honey is honey that comes from the nectar of many flowers or honey that has been blended with other honey. If the Manuka levels in honey are not sufficiently high, a Manuka honey will then be labelled as a multifloral Manuka Honey.

UMF grading includes:

  • Methylglyoxal (MGO / MG)
  • Leptosperin - indicates that the honey comes from the Manuka plant
  • Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) - in the nectar of the Manuka flower
  • Non-peroxide activity (NPA)

MGO measures:

  • Methylglyoxal (MGO)

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